Therasuit Intensives

Cobblestone’s intensive treatment 3-week, 45-hour programs incorporate the TheraSuit program, aiming to help our clients improve independence with daily activities such as:

  • Self-care

  • Feeding and dressing

  • Improved body awareness

  • Improved motor skills

  • Improved balance and coordination

  • Improved posture

  • Improved flexibility

  • Improved mobility

One-on-one Pediatric Therapy Services

Cobblestone’s offers comprehensive pediatric rehabilitation services, including: speech therapy, feeding therapy, occupational therapy, astronaut training, gestalt language therapy, PROMPT therapy, physical therapy, as well as our intensive treatment programs specific to each discipline!

Speech-Language Therapy


Click the button below to get more information about our speech therapy services!

Feeding Therapy

Click the button below to get more information about our feeding therapy services!

Occupational Therapy

Click the button below to get more information about our occupational therapy services!

Physical Therapy


Teletherapy/Virtual Therapy

Natural disasters or pandemics are not going to slow down our work caring for clients in need! We have skilled speech, occupational, and physical therapists that are experienced and knowledgeable with conducting teletherapy evaluations and treatment sessions. For more information, call 770-998-9599 or email

Wishing you and your loved ones safety and health!